I want to implement an online 10 question quiz using Radio buttons. I have
inserted all radio buttons into the page, each question having it's own
'group' of radio buttons, with the only Submit and Reset buttons being at the
very end of the page. I can't quite figure out how to use the only Reset
button to reset every group on the page. Also, whenever you click Submit I
want the new page to show every response to every question and whether it was
correct or not. At the same time I would like to email a summary report of
the quiz as well. Thanks!
inserted all radio buttons into the page, each question having it's own
'group' of radio buttons, with the only Submit and Reset buttons being at the
very end of the page. I can't quite figure out how to use the only Reset
button to reset every group on the page. Also, whenever you click Submit I
want the new page to show every response to every question and whether it was
correct or not. At the same time I would like to email a summary report of
the quiz as well. Thanks!