I publish my web site and I have different forms for our customer fill out,
once they click to submit button, I receive them with out problems. My
problem is, like where is the question Your name, I receive it as D1 or phone
number D5. where is option button I might be receiving as R1 ..
There is anyway to set them up, so I could receive them with the questions
as well..
Thank you very much for all the help.
I publish my web site and I have different forms for our customer fill out,
once they click to submit button, I receive them with out problems. My
problem is, like where is the question Your name, I receive it as D1 or phone
number D5. where is option button I might be receiving as R1 ..
There is anyway to set them up, so I could receive them with the questions
as well..
Thank you very much for all the help.