Forms not showing on Win2000

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ralf Hermanns
  • Start date Start date

Ralf Hermanns


My application opens a form to span the entire screen. Upon this form, I
open pop-ups as necessary.

On several WinXP Systems, everything runs fine.
On Win2000, the pop-up does not show at all.

The last line executed is myform.showdialog. There is no exception thrown,
no error displayed - the form is just plain not visible.

I use Framework 1.1 on all systems.

The forms are somewhat "souped up" to show rounded transparent corners,
raised and sunken effects on their borders, using user drawn routines,
double buffering and so on. All forms inherit their special design from a
base form I created, which implements all the own drawing.

A standard Windows-design pop-up comes up without a problem, on 2000 and
XP - of course I expect my own _fancy looking_ code to be responsible for
the mess, but why does it work with every XP system I try (4 Machines, all
SP1) and with no Win2000 system (2 Machines, one Server SP3, one Desktop

Thanks for any clue
* "Ralf Hermanns said:
The last line executed is myform.showdialog. There is no exception thrown,
no error displayed - the form is just plain not visible.

I use Framework 1.1 on all systems.

The forms are somewhat "souped up" to show rounded transparent corners,
raised and sunken effects on their borders, using user drawn routines,
double buffering and so on. All forms inherit their special design from a
base form I created, which implements all the own drawing.

A standard Windows-design pop-up comes up without a problem, on 2000 and
XP - of course I expect my own _fancy looking_ code to be responsible for
the mess, but why does it work with every XP system I try (4 Machines, all
SP1) and with no Win2000 system (2 Machines, one Server SP3, one Desktop

Create a simple sample application and try if the base form works on the

Herfried K. Wagner
MVP · VB Classic, VB.NET

Create a simple sample application and try if the base form works on the

I will try to do that. Since the project grew quite large, it will be a bit
painful to cut it back to its smallest version.

Some more info I found out about my ghost-form:
The form that is causing the trouble is the second one to be displayed. The
first is the main screen, which has a LogOn- and an Exit-Button, and the
form popping up on LogOn is the one in question. The application is runnig
like 10 seconds at this time, so there should be no
memory/garbage/ressources issue.

The form (lets call it C) is inherited from one of my other forms (called
B), which itself is inherited from a form (A). (A) finally inherits

The form contains a Caption and Listview, not more. Very simple.

Now for the best part:
The form is on the screen.
It gets an entry in the taskbar, and "covers" other windows. By covering I
mean it is the topmost, and gets the click events. A window which is moved
beneath my form is still visible, but cannot be clicked anymore.
You can even click the estimated position of the invisible listview on the
ghost form, and get the event for the itemclick...

I played with transparency colors and keys in my forms... Is it possible
that this does not work with Win2000?
Sounds a little too complicated.

Remember the term K.I.S.S... "Keep it simple and stupid"

And I believe Win2000 doesnt have the notion of transparent windows...