I've got a very strange problem. I've got a vb.net pocket pc application.
When I run this application on a Psion Workabout PDA some forms don't close.
Not when I call Me.Close() and not when I hit the 'OK' button. The form
triggers it's load event instead of closing. If I hit the 'OK' button or call
me.Close() for the second (sometimes third time) the form closes. I managed
to reproduce this on my regular PDA only once, but resetting helped. This
doesn't help on the Psion, it has plenty of free memory, more than 40MB when
the application is running.
No exceptions are being thrown, but the forms just don't close....
I open the forms like this:
dim tmpForm as new frmSettings
Any ideas what could be causing this behaviour?
I've got a very strange problem. I've got a vb.net pocket pc application.
When I run this application on a Psion Workabout PDA some forms don't close.
Not when I call Me.Close() and not when I hit the 'OK' button. The form
triggers it's load event instead of closing. If I hit the 'OK' button or call
me.Close() for the second (sometimes third time) the form closes. I managed
to reproduce this on my regular PDA only once, but resetting helped. This
doesn't help on the Psion, it has plenty of free memory, more than 40MB when
the application is running.
No exceptions are being thrown, but the forms just don't close....
I open the forms like this:
dim tmpForm as new frmSettings
Any ideas what could be causing this behaviour?