While entering data into a form and I come up to a lookup box and try to put
a new item I always have to navigate to the form the lookup is based off of
update it and then come back to my orginal form refresh and then continue on.
I saw on some of the templates that if you have a new item it just
automatically takes you where you need to go and then when you are done you
just close and you go back to where you left off. Does anyone know how to do
this? Please dumb it down I am a novice user!!!!
a new item I always have to navigate to the form the lookup is based off of
update it and then come back to my orginal form refresh and then continue on.
I saw on some of the templates that if you have a new item it just
automatically takes you where you need to go and then when you are done you
just close and you go back to where you left off. Does anyone know how to do
this? Please dumb it down I am a novice user!!!!