So no way to do this all linked together somehow, huh? I was hoping
to be able to enter the info for each document all in one go.
Sorry, I don't understand. Why can't you enter the info for each
document all in one go? My suggestion was to use a Documents form, with
a Versions subform. That's all in one go. You apparently want some
sort of "master listing" of Authors and Owners, which obviously gets set
up independently, but the only purpose of this really is to facilitate
the entry of the Author and Owner of the documents... they are just
ancillary lookup data, right?
I didn't explain the DocumentStatus table. It's to show what form
the doc is in, whether being revised, being reviewed, published or
archived, as well as who is working on it if it's being revised or
Ok. Well in that case, I can't see how this can work with the design
you have. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that the Status of the
Document is in fact the Status of the most recent Version... would that
be right? Therefore you need a Status field in the Versions table.
The document number is not unique in that versions are not
being overwritten, so there may be in the database doc A1234 version
1.0 archived, doc A1234 version 1.1 published and doc A1234 version
1.2 in review.
So the Document Number *is* unique. In this case, A1234. Isn't this
what goes in the DocumentNumber field in the Documents table? And the
1.0, 1.1, 1.2 etc is what goes in the VersionNumber field in the
Versions table? Therefore, I imagine you don't need a DocumentPKey
field, whatever it is, in the Documents table... the DocumentNumber
field should be designated as the primary key field in this table, and
used as the linking field to the related table (i.e. Versions). The
Documents table lists each document, and then there is a one-to-many
relationship with the Versions table, right? So the Versions table
lists each version of the document, and there can be more than one
version for each document.