I have a program to place into MSWord2002 and need advice. The program
is an old Word Perfect program that used macros and merges throughout to
operate. Basically, there is an single and married personal information
sheet for name, address, date, NAME in caps, up to 20 items and there are
numerous documents (W1, W2, W3,etc that are up to 10 pages in length for
single or married information) that I want to merge with the basic
information (name, etc).
I want to set this up so I can open my program, be prompted to prepare the
information worksheet and save it as smith.xxx, then select W1 (5 page
letter/document) and have W1 prompt me for the information worksheet to
merge with, thus creating the finished product (document with all the
personal information).
I have researched and read and researched and read and come to one
conclusion....I am confused by all this and still don't know what would be
the best way to approach this task. I am confused as to whether to attempt
this in VBA or set up like a mail merge? I have done several VBA exercises
and understand it slightly and know how to do merges for labels.
What I am seeking right now is what to do and whether VBA or merge? Or
are they the same thing since I want a macro to take the information
worksheet and place the personal data into the W1 document???
is an old Word Perfect program that used macros and merges throughout to
operate. Basically, there is an single and married personal information
sheet for name, address, date, NAME in caps, up to 20 items and there are
numerous documents (W1, W2, W3,etc that are up to 10 pages in length for
single or married information) that I want to merge with the basic
information (name, etc).
I want to set this up so I can open my program, be prompted to prepare the
information worksheet and save it as smith.xxx, then select W1 (5 page
letter/document) and have W1 prompt me for the information worksheet to
merge with, thus creating the finished product (document with all the
personal information).
I have researched and read and researched and read and come to one
conclusion....I am confused by all this and still don't know what would be
the best way to approach this task. I am confused as to whether to attempt
this in VBA or set up like a mail merge? I have done several VBA exercises
and understand it slightly and know how to do merges for labels.
What I am seeking right now is what to do and whether VBA or merge? Or
are they the same thing since I want a macro to take the information
worksheet and place the personal data into the W1 document???