Forms design - listbox not showing selection?

Jan 15, 2008
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Hi All

I have just design a simply marketing form based on the appointment form in outlook 2003. On the form is a listbox with several options to choose from. It has been set to multi select so that the use can pick more than one item.

The form has been set up in 'Organizational Forms Library' and a calendar has been setup in Public Folders with the new form set as default.

I have altered the view so that it displays in columns with the new fields and all looks well. the items selected via the list box appear comma separated in the view BUT when a user double clicks the enter to display the form the list box items have all been deselected giving the impression that nothing has been ticked.

When the user closes the form the column view displays the selection?

Any idea's how I can retain the user’s selections when the form is opened?

Thank you
1st post! I don't suppose anyone can offer any advice on this can they? I need to do the same thing. I.e. When multiple options are selected in a listbox and the user selects another control I want to retain the selections visibly in the listbox