Forms created in a separate thread are shown in the background

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sunil Menon
  • Start date Start date

Sunil Menon

Dear All,
I am trying to create multiple forms using thread...when one of the
external application requests for a Form my MainThread creates the
Form in a new thread...the form appears in the ForeGround if it has
been created for the first time...but subsequent creations are created
behind the application that invokes it...if I remove creation of Form
in a thread it works fine...Wot is going wrong here...
Here is the code snippet...
Thread oFormThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(OpenFormInThread));
oFormThread.ApartmentState = ApartmentState.STA;
oFormThread.IsBackground = false;

public void OpenFormInThread()
Form ofrm = (Form)Activator.CreateInstance(typ);
if(ofrm != null)

In the Form's Load I have written...
ShowWindow(this.Handle , SW_RESTORE);
SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle );

But this does not seem to I doing something wrong here?
Please help...


Many Regards
* (e-mail address removed) (Sunil Menon) scripsit:
I am trying to create multiple forms using thread...when one of the
external application requests for a Form my MainThread creates the
Form in a new thread...the form appears in the ForeGround if it has

Create all forms in the app's main UI thread and use invoking to access
them from within another thread:





Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET (Visual Basic Language Concepts)