Forms authentication page not called

  • Thread starter Thread starter R.A.M.
  • Start date Start date



I am writing ASP.NET application. I would like to use forms authenication. I
created Login.aspx page and modified Web.config. Start page is Default.aspx.
The problem is that Login.aspx is not called.

Here is part of my Web.config.

<authentication mode="Forms">

<forms name="MIM-Magazyn" loginUrl="Login.aspx" />



<deny users="?"/>


Please help. I have little experience.
I use .NET 2.0.
After <system.web> section you should declare which users have access to
whish pages.

Anyone should get to the login page so :

<location path="Login.aspx">
<allow users="?"/>

and no one should get to the default page if not logged in so:

<location path="Default.aspx">
<deny users="?"/>

You don't need <authorization> tag in <system.web> section.
Thanks. Now I have in my Web.config:


<location path="Login.aspx">

<system.web><authorization><allow users="*"/></authorization></system.web>


<location path="Default.aspx">

<system.web><authorization><deny users="?"/></authorization></system.web>



The problem is that is receive the following compilation error:

<location> sections are allowed only within <configuration> sections.
(F:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MIM-Magazyn\web.config line 81) . I don't understand
this message because I added <location> within <configuration>.

Could you help me?

U¿ytkownik "Eliyahu Goldin said:
Try to change the name parameter in the <forms ...> tag. Could be the
cookie MIM-Magazyn became persistent on your machine.

It helps, but for one time. After one run of application I must change
<forms name=...> again to a different string. Do you know what's going on?