Forms and Namespaces

  • Thread starter Thread starter Etienne-Louis Nicolet
  • Start date Start date

Etienne-Louis Nicolet

How can I assign a namespace to a form?

If I put a 'Namespace'-statement on top of the designer-created code of a
form, I can not edit the form in the designer anymore.


Namespace Forms
<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Partial Class Form1
End Class
End Namespace

Thanks for any suggestions,
in Etienne-Louis Nicolet
wrote :
How can I assign a namespace to a form?

If I put a 'Namespace'-statement on top of the designer-created code
of a form, I can not edit the form in the designer anymore.

Do the same in the other code file (it's a partial class so the class
code is splitted in two files here)