Forms and Many to Many Relationships

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I have three tables

tble_collective tasks
collective task ID (PK)
Collective Task
Collective Task Number

tble_individual tasks
individual task ID (PK)
Individual Task
Individual Task Number

collective task ID (FK)
individual task ID (FK)

I have established 1 to many relationships from the tables PK to its
corresponding FK on the junction table and established referential integrity.

This list of collective tasks is static and and list of individual tasks is
static but each individual task can apply to more then one collective task
and I want to be able to correspond each individual task to its collective
task. How do I build a form that allows me to take this data and relate it?
I keep expecting something to happen on the junction table showing this
individual task belongs with that collective task but nothing happens on the
junction table.
let me first suggest the you remove the spaces in your table and field
names, as


and the same with the other two tables. it's much much much easier to work
with objects in Access when there are no spaces or special characters (other
than an underscore _ ) in their names.

the forms design can be set up several ways, depending on how you want to
enter the data. one such setup would be a main form, bound to the collective
tasks table, with a subform bound to the junction table. in the subform,
bind a combo box control to the individual task foreign key field. use the
individual tasks table as the RowSource (*not* ControlSource) of the
combobox control.

so you open the main form, move to the collective task record that you want
to assign individual tasks to, and then in the subform choose each
individual task from the combobox - one subform record for each individual
