forms and from field

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Does anyone know how to change the From and From Adress
when using a FP form? Right now, I get the email with the
data in it, with no problems. But in my email it says Web
as the From name and some crazy email address that my host
uses as the From address. Is there a way that I can
format the email to change the email address and name?
No when using the FP Form Handler. However as long as you have configured
the form to use the field you have set up for the user to enter their email
address, as the Reply To, then when you receive the email, and click reply
to sender, then you will see the email address the user enter on the form.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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Right-click on your form and choose Form Properties. Click on Options. Click
on the Email Results tab. In the "Reply-to Line" you need to put the name of
the field where you collected the person's email address (see the Saved
Fields tab if you don't remember it).