Formatting textboxes in Reports

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kacoroski
  • Start date Start date


I have a report with multiple textboxes in a single row.
Each textbox has CanGrow enabled. I want all the
textboxes to be the same height for viewing and printing,
i.e. if one grows, they all grow. Format event doesn't
work because it fires before formatting, and Print event
won't allow changes to the control heights. Any help?
Please post your reply. Thanks.
Sorry, as far as I know, Access doesn't work that way. If you have adjacent
text boxes, all aligned at the top, all set to CanGrow/CanShrink, you'll
see, for example, one of them growing to hold its extra text, and the others
staying aligned, but only being as big as they need to be.

Are you saying you want enough room (which is the current condition), or
that you want the borders around each to be the same size (i.e., all

Is there a way you could concatenate the contents of the text boxes into a
single text box?

JOPO (just one person's opinion)

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>
I don't think the issue is having them all grow, but one of having the same
height boxes/rectangles around the text in the report. Set the text boxes to
have transparent borders and then use the Line method in the On Print event
of the section containing the controls. Stephen Lebans has code at his site for drawing the lines.

Come on back if you have more questions.