="Pursuant to paragraph 3B of the license between you and us, dated October
1, 2004, this will serve to notify you that we wish to exercise rights
titled " & [Title] & " written by " & [Writers]
I have the above expression in a control. I would like to make the text
normal and the fields bold and underlined. How do I do that? Everything I
see in the help section implies I have to apply formatting to the control as
a whole. Doesn't seem right. Any ideas?
1, 2004, this will serve to notify you that we wish to exercise rights
titled " & [Title] & " written by " & [Writers]
I have the above expression in a control. I would like to make the text
normal and the fields bold and underlined. How do I do that? Everything I
see in the help section implies I have to apply formatting to the control as
a whole. Doesn't seem right. Any ideas?