Formatting StyleRef in headers in Word 2007

  • Thread starter Thread starter Butterfly Bill
  • Start date Start date

Butterfly Bill

I have been having this problem with my Word 2007 (12.0.a bunch more

If I assign to a chapter name the style Heading 1,
and then in the page headers put in StyleRef fields for Heading 1,
and some of the names have three or more words,
and I format the whole name field in the header in something like

sometimes not all of the words in the name in the header come out
formatted the same. If the name of one were "the Very First Chapter",
sometimes only "The Very" or The Very First" will come out in Bold.
The rest of the words are in whatever is the Normal font. This happens
with character styles, fonts, and sizes.

This happens when I open up a document that has been saved after
closing Word and reopening it. If I go into Edit Header and correct
them all, then save it, all the corrections are lost the next time I
open it.

This is frustrating because I want to use different fonts in the

Anybody else have this problem? Is there a way to fix it? It seems
like a glitch in the Word program.

-Butterfly Bill
Hi Butterfly Bill,

The 'correct' way to do impose a particular format on the StyleRef field's output is to insert it into a paragraph with the correct
Style formatting or to use a Charformat switch. To use the Charformat switch:
.. select the field and press Shift-F9 to expose the field code. It should look like { STYLEREF "Heading 1" } or { STYLEREF "Heading
.. delete the '\* MERGEFORMAT' switch (if present) and insert a '\* CHARFORMAT' switch (ie { STYLEREF "Heading 1" \* CHARFORMAT })
.. Format the 'S' in 'STYLEREF' with the format you require
.. Press F9 to update the field.

In any event, I'd recommend deleting the '\* MERGEFORMAT' switch.
The 'correct' way to do impose a particular format on the StyleRef field's output is to insert it into a paragraph with the correct
Style formatting or to use a Charformat switch. To use the Charformat switch:
. select the field and press Shift-F9 to expose the field code. It shouldlook like { STYLEREF "Heading 1" } or { STYLEREF "Heading
. delete the '\* MERGEFORMAT' switch (if present) and insert a '\* CHARFORMAT' switch (ie { STYLEREF "Heading 1" \* CHARFORMAT })
. Format the 'S' in 'STYLEREF' with the format you require
. Press F9 to update the field.

OK, I changed the field code directly as you said, and it's starting
to look like it worked, but what are the precise meanings of those two
switch codes?
Hi Butterfly Bill,

The MERGEFORMAT switch is used to retain the formatting of the source. That's why applying a different format to the output doesn't
give consistent results.

The CHARFORMAT formats a field's output to match whatever formatting is applied to the first character in the field.

The use of both switches is discussed in Word's Help file.

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

The 'correct' way to do impose a particular format on the StyleRef field's output is to insert it into a paragraph with the
Style formatting or to use a Charformat switch. To use the Charformat switch:
. select the field and press Shift-F9 to expose the field code. It should look like { STYLEREF "Heading 1" } or { STYLEREF
. delete the '\* MERGEFORMAT' switch (if present) and insert a '\* CHARFORMAT' switch (ie { STYLEREF "Heading 1" \* CHARFORMAT })
. Format the 'S' in 'STYLEREF' with the format you require
. Press F9 to update the field.

OK, I changed the field code directly as you said, and it's starting
to look like it worked, but what are the precise meanings of those two
switch codes?
Butterfly Bill,

for more, see the "Add a formatting switch to a field code" section in the
article at
("Insert and format field codes").

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

macropod said:
Hi Butterfly Bill,

The MERGEFORMAT switch is used to retain the formatting of the source.
That's why applying a different format to the output doesn't give
consistent results.

The CHARFORMAT formats a field's output to match whatever formatting is
applied to the first character in the field.

The use of both switches is discussed in Word's Help file.

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

The 'correct' way to do impose a particular format on the StyleRef
field's output is to insert it into a paragraph with the correct
Style formatting or to use a Charformat switch. To use the Charformat
. select the field and press Shift-F9 to expose the field code. It should
look like { STYLEREF "Heading 1" } or { STYLEREF "Heading
. delete the '\* MERGEFORMAT' switch (if present) and insert a '\*
CHARFORMAT' switch (ie { STYLEREF "Heading 1" \* CHARFORMAT })
. Format the 'S' in 'STYLEREF' with the format you require
. Press F9 to update the field.

OK, I changed the field code directly as you said, and it's starting
to look like it worked, but what are the precise meanings of those two
switch codes?
i have question about the StyleRef field.

I have a title of a chapter with a italic text like this:

Title with a italic text

The size are set to the style "Headings 1" and the italic is set locally in the title.

I used the styleref filed for the header of all that section, but i would like to mantain tha italic format just for the last 2 words. I check the MARGEFORMAT option, but the field can be all italic o all normal, not mixed as the refered text.

Can i solve this problem?
Thank you.