I'm attempting to convert a string into a format that can be converted into
a date but VB.Net isn't giving me the same result as VB6.
The string I need to convert, and I have no influence over the it, is a date
but stored with out any seperators or spaces e.g. 20040306
In VB6 I can alter this to 2004 03 06 using the command: FORMAT(sData,"####
## ##")
But when I try this in VB.Net all I get is #### ## ##.
I've read the help and it seems to suggest that what I'm trying to do should
work. What am I missing?
a date but VB.Net isn't giving me the same result as VB6.
The string I need to convert, and I have no influence over the it, is a date
but stored with out any seperators or spaces e.g. 20040306
In VB6 I can alter this to 2004 03 06 using the command: FORMAT(sData,"####
## ##")
But when I try this in VB.Net all I get is #### ## ##.
I've read the help and it seems to suggest that what I'm trying to do should
work. What am I missing?