Formatting of glossary created using Mark Index Entry

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Using the help given by Margaret Aldis on 17th Jan, I've created a glossary
of abbreviations used in a large template document. It works well, so thanks!

However..(how ungrateful is that!). Previously the glossary in this document
I'm working on was in a simple table. The new index doesn't seperate the
marked term and it's meaning by a consistent distance, so I'm concerned that
the new form of glossary is going to be rejected by users as difficult to
read. Is there at least a way to format that index so that there is a
larger, and consistent gap between the term and the cross-reference meaning?
I've tried changing the Index style, but none of the settings seem to affect
this gap.

Thanks for any help you might be able to give,
Hi Geoff

Glad to have been of help :-)

I think what you are probably after is the switch to set the separator
characters between the index term and its cross reference. From the Help for
the Index field code:

\k "Separators"
Specifies the characters that separate an index entry and its cross
reference. The { INDEX \k ": " } field displays a result such as "Inserting
text: See Editing" in the index. A period and space (. ) are used if you
omit the \k switch. Enclose the characters in quotation marks.

If you can't get the visual effect you want directly with the separator
characters, you could probably use an "unusual" character and then Table >
Convert Text to Table to convert it to a genuine table for presentation.
Thanks, that works. I used a tab in the \k field, and then modified the
index format to give it a 2cm hanging indent (which should be enough for most
abbreviations). It gives a nice simple columnar effect.

Many thanks,