These are the fields in the table:
TERM Subj Crs CRN Title Instructor Begin End Days Room Bldg EnrlMax EnrlCur Prereq Notes Approval Attrib XCode UDR Key SpecTop Area GF
200301 ENG 104 11779 Intro Literature Wood,
Mary| 900 950 MWF 229 MCK 95 94 Fiction |1| 1 Yes Early American
200301 ENG 104 11780 Intro Literature Dugaw,
Dianne 1200 1250 MWF 360 CON 40 40 Fiction |1| 5 No 19th Century American
200301 ENG 104 11781 Intro Literature Wonham,
Henry 1400 1450 MWF 207 CHA 100 100 Fiction |1| 4 Yes 18th Century
TERM Subj Crs CRN Title Instructor Begin End Days Room Bldg EnrlMax EnrlCur Prereq Notes Approval Attrib XCode UDR Key SpecTop Area GF
200302 ENG 613 21826 GTF Comp Apprentice Morse, Andrew 20 11 611 or
equiv M No
200302 ENG 670 21828 Top Modernism & Empire Peppis,
Paul 1700 1950 M 253 PLC 15 17 M No
200302 WR 121 24736 College Composit I Krane,
Denise 1400 1450 MWF 301 GER 26 11 Dept placement exam be D |WR| No
This is a result from the query that runs the report:
Instructor Term1 Course1 Title1 Enrl1 Begin1 End1 Days1 Term2 Course2 Title2 Enrl2 Begin2 End2 Days2 Term3 Course3 Title3 Enrl3 Begin3 End3 Days3 GF UCRN GCRN
Appel, Ian 200303 122 College Composit
II 21 1600 1720 UH 35295 0
Appel, Ian 200302 121 College Composit
I 20 1800 1920 UH 24768 0
Appel, Ian 200301 121 College Composit
I 26 1300 1350 MWF f 14866 0
What I want to have happen is the courses that Ian Appel teaches for Fall,
Winter & Spring should be on one line in the report, but they end up more
like "steps"