Formatting Hard Disc

Apr 12, 2005
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Not sure if this is the right forum - apologies if not. :)

Had a new computer built with the OS (XP Pro) on a new Raptor disc and the old computer's hard disc installed as a backup disc. This still has the old computer's files on it - both OS and data. I have transferred the data to the new disc and now wish to clear down the old disc so it is blank.

Is there any problem in doing this - I was told that formatting a disc with system files on it could be difficult and that I would get warning messages if I tried it.

What is the best way to proceed please?
Just go ahead and Format the disc, shouldn't be any problem with formatting regardless of system files or anything else.....
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it

Yup - that's what I am trying to avoid!! :thumb: