Formatting gridlines

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark
  • Start date Start date


Hi folks,

I have a question about gridline formatting.

I would like to be able to print/display major gridlines in a thicker line
than the minor gridlines. I can't see a way of doing this. Is it possible?


Hi Mark,

As long as you want ALL of the major gridlines to be formatted in the
same way you should be able to change the weight/style and colour using
the Format gridlines dialog.
Select the gridlines and press CTRL+1 to display the dialog.

To get the gridlines to display right click the chart and choose Chart
Options. On the gridlines tab you can choose whether or not to display
major/minor lines.

If you want to alter just ONE line out of many the follow Debra's

Andy said:
As long as you want ALL of the major gridlines to be formatted in the
same way you should be able to change the weight/style and colour
using the Format gridlines dialog.
Select the gridlines and press CTRL+1 to display the dialog.

(I've changed name by the way in case you're confused)

Aaaaaaaaaah! Thanks for this! I looked up "format chart gridlines" and
"format gridlines" in help (this is Excel 2003) and as far as I can see it
found nothing along these lines.

As much as I like the context sensitive editing of a chart there really
needs to be a menu or similar that has all the elements of the chart listed
for easy formatting access. Sometimes it is too tricky to pick indivudual
elements, or even know they exist.
If you want to alter just ONE line out of many the follow Debra's

I'm also showing a kinda trend line, albeit manually created. But I achieved
this using Draw instead.

StainlessSteelRat - Outlook Express QuoteFix, great for OE Users

"Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full
-- Mohandas Gandhi
I'm also showing a kinda trend line, albeit manually created. But I achieved
this using Draw instead.
You are aware that XL has a trendline capability, aren't you? Select
the chart, then click Chart | Add Trendline...


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions
Tushar said:
You are aware that XL has a trendline capability, aren't you? Select
the chart, then click Chart | Add Trendline...

Yep, unfortunately I need two horizontal lines that represent Y-value
boundaries which trendlines won't do based on the existing data set. I
appreciate the methods suggetsed so far, but with Draw I can create a line
in about 5 seconds. It may not be the most exact method, but it's very quick
and easy.

Out of interest I tried adding a trendline to the data I have so far and I
can't find one that maps the trend well either :-( Which is a shame.

I have uploaded a screenshot of the chart so far to my web site (which also
illustrates the other problems I am having).

StainlessSteelRat - Outlook Express QuoteFix, great for OE Users

"Here's to us poor schmoes, working for the man. Even if he is a hot, sexy
female man."
-- Captain Zapp Brannigan
If you right click on a chart element, you get a pop up menu of actions
you can take on the item. To select an item, you can select any other
item and use the arrow keys, or you can hunt for it in the dropdown list
in the Chart command bar.

- Jon
Rat -

The problem I see is that your weight loss reversed itself last
Halloween. Coincidence?

Are you trying to fit all of the data? It doesn't seem possible. Perhaps
you could plot subsets of the data (copy the data for last May to
September and paste-special it onto the chart), and do a trendline of
the partial series.

I have a Brass Rat. Are they related?

- Jon