Formatting and IF Statements



I have a series of nested IF statements that looks at a column of numbers -
some of which are dollars, some of which are percentages. These may
alternate depending on the data sheet being used there any way to make
sure the the cell formatting is copies as well?

For example - for one product, in cell D1 I have IF(a1="Some Logic",B2,"Not
Covered")...if B2 in one data sheet is $20, but then the next data sheet has
it as 50%, on the second transfer, it shows up as $0. How can I copy the
cell format properties as well?


Duke Carey

If you use conditional formatting and test for a return value of <1, you can
adjust the numeric foramtting to %


My brain isn't working yet this morning, it seems...when I set the
conditional formatting, it only allows me to change font, color, do I do a conditional formatting to change number format?

Duke Carey

I'm on an XL2007 PC and it appears that numeric conditional formatting is new
to 2007. Sorry

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