I need a report that lists by office - all Employee Names
and the Titles of any Classes that they've taken. I have
the report grouped on Office and Last Name. If the
Employee didn't take any classes, I want to hide the part
of the Last Name Header, and display a Label that
states: "This employee did not take any classes." My
problem is: which Event do I use to type in the code for
hiding the labels in the Last Name Header and displaying
the new Label?
I've tried the OnFormat and OnPrint Events for the Detail
Section, but that didn't work. The Detail Section
contains ClassTitle, so I specified:
If Me.ClassTitle = Null then
Me.ClassTitle_Label.Visible = False
End If
Can anyone please help? I am using Access 97.
and the Titles of any Classes that they've taken. I have
the report grouped on Office and Last Name. If the
Employee didn't take any classes, I want to hide the part
of the Last Name Header, and display a Label that
states: "This employee did not take any classes." My
problem is: which Event do I use to type in the code for
hiding the labels in the Last Name Header and displaying
the new Label?
I've tried the OnFormat and OnPrint Events for the Detail
Section, but that didn't work. The Detail Section
contains ClassTitle, so I specified:
If Me.ClassTitle = Null then
Me.ClassTitle_Label.Visible = False
End If
Can anyone please help? I am using Access 97.