I need to create a master in PowerPoint 2002 with a placeholder to hold
bulleted text, 6 levels deep, with bullets displaying only at levels 1, 3 &5,
* level one with bullet
level one continued
- level three with bullet
level three continued
PowerPoint 2003 does not seem capable of more than 5 levels in a bulleted
outline, and it seems impossible to make a flush left continuing para exactly
match the hanging indent of a previous level. Does anyone know how to
accomplish this?
bulleted text, 6 levels deep, with bullets displaying only at levels 1, 3 &5,
* level one with bullet
level one continued
level 2 continuedlevel 2 with bullet
- level three with bullet
level three continued
PowerPoint 2003 does not seem capable of more than 5 levels in a bulleted
outline, and it seems impossible to make a flush left continuing para exactly
match the hanging indent of a previous level. Does anyone know how to
accomplish this?