Another office phoned me about a problem they are having with excel.
They had a large list of dates about 4600 columns long that were al
displayed as one long string of numbers, i.e. like 021105. So the
went to format them into dates and they all ended up going into #####.
As I was looking through the help topics on Excel I found that number
will be displayed like this if the column is not big enough in width.
So I got them to do that but to no avail, they are still displayed a
#####. Also while doing my own testing I found that even if they d
get the numbers shown they will probably get nonsensical dates. Fo
example, when I format using date (also did some custom formatting fo
the date but it does the same thing) my 21105 (as Excel deletes th
front 0) turns into 12/10/57, when it should show up as 02/11/05.
thought this might be a problem with the 0 not showing up so I di
121105 but this shows up as 28/07/2231. I have very little experienc
with Excel, yet because I know the most about computers amongst the tw
offices they want me to figure everything out. Any help would b
appreciated, thanks
John Penne
They had a large list of dates about 4600 columns long that were al
displayed as one long string of numbers, i.e. like 021105. So the
went to format them into dates and they all ended up going into #####.
As I was looking through the help topics on Excel I found that number
will be displayed like this if the column is not big enough in width.
So I got them to do that but to no avail, they are still displayed a
#####. Also while doing my own testing I found that even if they d
get the numbers shown they will probably get nonsensical dates. Fo
example, when I format using date (also did some custom formatting fo
the date but it does the same thing) my 21105 (as Excel deletes th
front 0) turns into 12/10/57, when it should show up as 02/11/05.
thought this might be a problem with the 0 not showing up so I di
121105 but this shows up as 28/07/2231. I have very little experienc
with Excel, yet because I know the most about computers amongst the tw
offices they want me to figure everything out. Any help would b
appreciated, thanks
John Penne