... FormatPercent Function ...



I have looked up FormatPercent Function and received the following

FormatPercent Function


Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multipled by 100) with a
trailing % character.


FormatPercent(Expression[,NumDigitsAfterDecimal [,IncludeLeadingDigit
[,UseParensForNegativeNumbers [,GroupDigits]]]])

The FormatPercent function syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Expression Required. Expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal Optional. Numeric value indicating how many places to
the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is –1, which indicates
that the computer's regional settings are used.
IncludeLeadingDigit Optional. Tristate constant that indicates whether or
not a leading zero is displayed for fractional values. See Settings section
for values.
UseParensForNegativeNumbers Optional. Tristate constant that indicates
whether or not to place negative values within parentheses. See Settings
section for values.
GroupDigits Optional. Tristate constant that indicates whether or not
numbers are grouped using the group delimiter specified in the computer's
regional settings. See Settings section for values.


The IncludeLeadingDigit, UseParensForNegativeNumbers, and GroupDigits
arguments have the following settings:

Constant Value Description
vbTrue –1 True
vbFalse 0 False
vbUseDefault –2 Use the setting from the computer's regional settings.


When one or more optional arguments are omitted, the values for omitted
arguments are provided by the computer's regional settings.

Note All settings information comes from the Regional Settings Number tab.
I want to type 50 into my form or table and I want to display 50% (I also
want the value to be .50)

What should I type in for the Expession?


Steve Schapel


Formatting has an effect on the way that data is displayed, but it does
not affect the actual value of the data.

If you want to type in 50, and have the value recorded as 0.5, then you
are changing the actual value of the data, so this is not format-related.

This is easy to achieve. For example, on the After Update event of the
textbox in question, you can write a procedure like this...

Me.NameOfTextbox = Me.NameOfTextbox / 100

In practice, however, this can present difficulties. For example, you
can't really edit an existing value without re-entering.

In my opinion, it is less problematic to do one of these approaches:

1. Enter the actual value you want. That means either enter .5 or 50%.
You can use the Format property of the textbox to cause it to display
as percentage, so if you type in .5 it will immediately show as 50%.

2. Enter 50 and leave it as 50. On your form you can put a label to
the right of the textbox to show '%'. And then, you need to remember to
divide by 100 whenever you use the value from this field in your queries
or reports.

Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

Dr. Darrell said:
I have looked up FormatPercent Function and received the following

FormatPercent Function


Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multipled by 100) with a
trailing % character.


FormatPercent(Expression[,NumDigitsAfterDecimal [,IncludeLeadingDigit
[,UseParensForNegativeNumbers [,GroupDigits]]]])

The FormatPercent function syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Expression Required. Expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal Optional. Numeric value indicating how many places to
the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is –1, which indicates
that the computer's regional settings are used.
IncludeLeadingDigit Optional. Tristate constant that indicates whether or
not a leading zero is displayed for fractional values. See Settings section
for values.
UseParensForNegativeNumbers Optional. Tristate constant that indicates
whether or not to place negative values within parentheses. See Settings
section for values.
GroupDigits Optional. Tristate constant that indicates whether or not
numbers are grouped using the group delimiter specified in the computer's
regional settings. See Settings section for values.


The IncludeLeadingDigit, UseParensForNegativeNumbers, and GroupDigits
arguments have the following settings:

Constant Value Description
vbTrue –1 True
vbFalse 0 False
vbUseDefault –2 Use the setting from the computer's regional settings.


When one or more optional arguments are omitted, the values for omitted
arguments are provided by the computer's regional settings.

Note All settings information comes from the Regional Settings Number tab.
I want to type 50 into my form or table and I want to display 50% (I also
want the value to be .50)

What should I type in for the Expession?


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