Formating Windows XP



(this message written from another computer)
I have just formatted my computer and am having great difficulty with
getting patches and virus protection sorted out before i am hit by the
viruses. Before i can install my virus scanner i am attacked and before i can
install any windows update patches i am attacked. And the viruses that are
attacking me are disabling the internet explorer from working so i cant get
updates and the virus scanner doesnt go anyway. I tried norton antivirus but
the updates take to long and the comp is crashed before anything happens. So
i tried PC - Cillin because its updates are quicker. But it looks like a
virus has stoped that running all together :S. Version is Windows XP Home
Edition. I have the blaster worm patch backed up but thats all. Im trying to
download SP2 as a file now but can anyone else help me with another way
around this? Im sure im not the only person with this problem.
Any help would be much appriciated

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Physically disconnect the network connection.
Install Windows
Enable/install a firewall (is this what you missed)
Install AV programs etc.
Physically connect network connection.
Connect to the internet and get Windows Updates and AV updates.

It takes less than a few seconds for an unprotected computer to be attacked.
Generally the firewall protects you while you ONLY go to the update sites.
Do NOT do anything else until ALL updates are installed AND you have
successfully rebooted at least once after the update.

All but the most recent Windows Updates are in SP-2:
Having SP-2 on CD will allow you to install SP-2 without being connected to
the network.


I didnt enable a firewall thats probably my problem i would think. I would
like SP2 on a disk it would help but ive only got a 56k dial up it takes days
to download it and i can rarely hold a connection for that long. I will try
with a download manager or something. Thankyou for going to the trouble of
getting those sites =). So when i create a dialup connection i just check the
checkbox "Turn on the internet connection firewall for this connection"?
And Jupiter Jones do u suggest PC-Cillin 2000 or Norton Anti-Virus 2002?
Thankyou heaps for your help

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Step 1 on the second link of my other post gives a few options for getting
You can order it and it typically arrives in less than 10 days.
Or download from a computer with high speed access and burn to CD.
Then you can use the CD on any and all computers you need.

Enable the firewall on your dial-up connection before connecting.

More important than which antivirus is which you will use and keep updated.
The best is worthless if improperly used.
Hopefully you go with something newer than PC-Cillin 2000.
Try to stay within 3 years or preferably less.

Here are some other options, some are free:


I have ordered it it said it takes 4-6 weeks? But ill try other stuff for the
mean time. Ill use norton anti-virus 2002 then cause ill need to get its
updates sorted before i go on the net looking for other AV programs right?
Ok well ill format again.

Also this isnt so much important but if u could answer would be a big help,
One of the driver cds is not read by my dvd combo drive and ive been having
to unplug the cd drive from this computer (different one) and install that
driver with the cd drive hanging out the side of the computer cause that one
reads it, which is a bloody hassle cause this computer is real hard to unplug
cuz of the way the cabnits set up lol.
Thankyou for ur time and thanks for ur quick replys
Dont answer that last question if u cantbe bothered

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

The site says 4 - 6 weeks, but my experience and others show it is about 10
days or less to get SP-2 on CD.

As for the CD, the drive may be in the early stages of failing or may just
need a cleaning.
Go to a computer supply store and buy a kit that cleans CDs and drives.


Do u think its worth opening it and just lightly wiping the lense with a
cotton bud on a stick and meths or something? Does that usualy not work. The
drives quite new like 12 months i wudnt think it was failing yet. Doesnt have
problems with any other cd ive ever owned.
Well thankyou heaps for your time =D
The comps half way through reinstalling windows xp now
If i get any other problems can i ask u in this thread or have u had enough
Thanks heaps anyway

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

It has to be something with the CD or drive.
It is best to use the proper cleaning materials for each, the wrong
chemicals such as window cleaner can damage CDs..


I cant be bothered getting a cd cleaning kit i tried taking it apart. Prick
of a thing to get at the lense. . . I guess ill take this drive out to get
that cd done then. Its the third time ive done it this week lol =|
Is it better to do th updates with auto updates or to go to the site and do
them manually?
Thanks heaps agen

Al Smith

(this message written from another computer)
I have just formatted my computer and am having great difficulty with
getting patches and virus protection sorted out before i am hit by the
viruses. Before i can install my virus scanner i am attacked and before i can
install any windows update patches i am attacked. And the viruses that are
attacking me are disabling the internet explorer from working so i cant get
updates and the virus scanner doesnt go anyway. I tried norton antivirus but
the updates take to long and the comp is crashed before anything happens. So
i tried PC - Cillin because its updates are quicker. But it looks like a
virus has stoped that running all together :S. Version is Windows XP Home
Edition. I have the blaster worm patch backed up but thats all. Im trying to
download SP2 as a file now but can anyone else help me with another way
around this? Im sure im not the only person with this problem.
Any help would be much appriciated

Ah, you poor bastard. Your post illustrates what's wrong with
Windows XP, the dirty secret Microsoft would prefer just went
away. But it isn't going away, it's getting worse.

To solve your immediate problem, you need to install Windows XP
off-line -- completely disconnected from the Internet -- and also
install off-line a software firewall such as ZoneAlarm. Once
you've got your firewall up and running so that it activates each
time you boot and runs continuously in the background, you can
take the risk of venturing onto the Internet.

I highly recommend before you do so that you disable as much in
Windows XP as you can disable, yet still have the operating system
do what you need it to do. Visit this site, read it, understand
it, do it:

The worst, most evil, insidious trap of all is that Microsoft has
constructed Windows Update in such a way that, in order to get the
security updates you need to protect your computer, you must run
Active-X and other dangerous functions that *open you up* to
security violations and intrusions by trojans, worms, adware,
spyware and malware.

Smart folks (and they are very few in number) run Windows XP as
lean as possible, and don't use Windows Update, Internet Explorer,
Outlook, or Outlook Express. They always use a firewall, and they
always use an antivirus. They download and install their security
updates manually. They run anti-spyware regularly to clean off any
crap that sneaks onto their computer behind their backs.


Im obviously not that smarter folk lol. . . Ive got a firewall up and
running, All my anti-virus software is running and upgraded and im still
working on the windows updates. Where would u suggest to manualy download
updates? rather than windows update site? On the cd that u can order for SP2
does that have all the other neccessary updates or do u have to install
eveyrthing else...

You sound like quite a smart feller can u read the rest of the thread and
see if u can figure out why my cd drive is not reading that 1 cd?

Thanks for replying

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