Formating Text

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tim
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My database has a table with separate fields to record a
customer's forename and surname. Is there a way to
convert whatever is entered into proper case? I have
tried using the input mask >L<?????????????? but if anyone
enters two forenames, or the surname is double-barrelled,
the second part does not start with a capital letter.

On the AfterUpdate event of the control on your Form, put code like
Me.Surname = StrConv(Me.Surname, 3)

This will sort out the 2 forenames situation. There will be problems
with this, for example
de Longhi will be converted to De Longhi
McDonald will be converted to Mcdonald
Botheringham-Smythe will be converted to Botheringham-smythe
It is very difficult to cover all of these exceptions, but there is
code at that does a
good job.

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
Weeel ... definitely!

It don't make sense to use a fixed constant, when a symbolic equivalent is
there for the taking :-)

Eg. if the value change from version to version, vbProperCase keeps on
truckin', but 3 will fall in a heap (in that case).

Happy xmas,