formating disabled hyperlink ?



Hi everybody !

I have a repeater displaying hyperlinks. I format these with CSS. If
there's no url 'behind' the hyperlink, It's displayed as a disabled
hyperlink, and an aditional text ", no link available".
(managed to pull this this off with help from this forum :)

The problem I have now is that the disabled hyperlinks are displayed in
the default color grey, which looks kind of lame here. I want ithem to
be displayed in the same color as the active hyperlinks. But there's no
"A:disabled" available in CSS, so I'm not sure if it's posible to work
around this some way.

Any suggestions ???

thanks a bundle...



I think you can either set the cssclass attribute or style on each non linked
anchor or use A{mystyle definition} then do the A:link etc to format your
live links (untested)

HTH jd


Hi again !

Thanks for your help, but unfortunately it didn't work. I've come as
far as I can change the size, text-decoration, etc, on the disabled
links, but the color just won't change !

any further suggestions are most wellcome...


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