Ingo Streek
In Access 2002, I have set up a report with several text boxes. Now, I would
like to assign a specific format (bold, background colour) to one of the
textboxes (named 'BE') depending on its content, and this I want to realize
by a macro.
I don't understand the HELP text of MS how to do that, and googeling did not
produce any results, either.
The following code does not work:
Dim strBE(4) As String, stDocName As String, _
fmc As FormatCondition, _
objBericht as object
strBE(1) = "Value1"
strBE(2) = "Value2"
Set objBericht = Application.Reports("Tabelle1")
Set fmc = objBericht.FormatConditions.Add(acFieldValue, acEqual,
(objBericht.BE.Text = strBE(1)))
Can anybody please post a few lines of code, how to change the format of a
textfield depending on its content?
(Apologies for my English, it's not my native language)
In Access 2002, I have set up a report with several text boxes. Now, I would
like to assign a specific format (bold, background colour) to one of the
textboxes (named 'BE') depending on its content, and this I want to realize
by a macro.
I don't understand the HELP text of MS how to do that, and googeling did not
produce any results, either.
The following code does not work:
Dim strBE(4) As String, stDocName As String, _
fmc As FormatCondition, _
objBericht as object
strBE(1) = "Value1"
strBE(2) = "Value2"
Set objBericht = Application.Reports("Tabelle1")
Set fmc = objBericht.FormatConditions.Add(acFieldValue, acEqual,
(objBericht.BE.Text = strBE(1)))
Can anybody please post a few lines of code, how to change the format of a
textfield depending on its content?
(Apologies for my English, it's not my native language)