Format to suppress currency when value is zero

  • Thread starter Thread starter Petterq
  • Start date Start date


I have a report where I need to not show a value if the value is zero in a
curency control.

This is in norwegian kroner, and with a value of 100 it should show: kr
100,00. If the value is negative ie -100, it should show kr -100,00.

What would be the correct format to set in the property control?

I use Access 2007.

I am not sure whether you mean that you are using a computer where the
native currency is Kroner or whether you are in an area where the native
currency is dollar or similar and you want to display currency in Kroner.

Anyway to suppress displaying zero values in a format, the format is entered
as positive format; negative format; zero format. (Each separated by semi
colon). I am in an area that uses Dollars so I would enter a property as


Example of Positive display $100.00
Example of negative display $-100.00
Zero does not display when only # is placed in the format.

If I wanted the negative sign before the $ sign, I would enter the format
this way.

I am in Norway, and the native currency both for the computer and the area
is kroner.

When I use the format You sent me I get the result: -$.100 for a value of

The "-" sign is put in front of the currency indicator, it inserts a "."
between the currency indicator and the value, and it gives no decimals.

If I replace the "$" sign with "kr" it puts in kr as a text string in the
format field including the two " signs.

If I set the default decimal places to two, it also returns the decimals
when the value is zero and is suppressed (then I only get the desimals).

So the questions remaining is:
-How kan I make the system recognize kr as our local currency, and treat is
the same way as the $ sign?
- How can I get the "-" sign after the currency indicator?
- How can I get rid of the "." before the value?
- How can I get two decimals, and also suppress them if the value is zero?
I'm sorry but I don't think that I can help any more. Help says that the
formatting follows the Regional settings for the computer. I would have
thought that the formatting for your country would follow much the same rules
with the Positive, Negative, Zero and Null formatting separated by

Just as a suggestion, if you have Excel on your computer, have a look at
number formatting there and see what the installed formats look like. I have
found that Access formatting follows the same prinicpals and it might give
you a clue as to what you should do in Access.