Format time string



Good day,

I have been trying to understand cultures and formatProviders etc but I cant
get on top of this simple problem:
I have a text box displaying "07:15" - how do I convert that string to a
DateTime format so that I can get it into the database?
It is an Access database with a data type of Date/Time formatted as 'Medium
Time' which is hh:mm AM/PM

Thank you.

Arne Vajhøj

grant said:
I have been trying to understand cultures and formatProviders etc but I cant
get on top of this simple problem:
I have a text box displaying "07:15" - how do I convert that string to a
DateTime format so that I can get it into the database?
It is an Access database with a data type of Date/Time formatted as 'Medium
Time' which is hh:mm AM/PM





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