In the following code, data is dumped from query result to an Excel file,
starting at cell a4. My problem is the data in the first column from my
query results . Even though they are all text data (however, numeric in
nature), Excel will change them to numeric. For example, "0006" becomes 6 in
the Excel cell. If I use TransferSpreadsheet command, I do not have this
data issue, but I can not direct the data to start at cell a4. Your help is
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strQryName, dbOpenDynaset)
'dump all data, starting at cell a4
objXLws.range("a4").CopyFromRecordset rs
starting at cell a4. My problem is the data in the first column from my
query results . Even though they are all text data (however, numeric in
nature), Excel will change them to numeric. For example, "0006" becomes 6 in
the Excel cell. If I use TransferSpreadsheet command, I do not have this
data issue, but I can not direct the data to start at cell a4. Your help is
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strQryName, dbOpenDynaset)
'dump all data, starting at cell a4
objXLws.range("a4").CopyFromRecordset rs