Format, reinstall and upgrade to sp2



Having a problem deciding which way to format reinstall xp on my P4 XP2
notebook, 3 years old. I have the original image disc from the manufacturer,
but is it better to use it and get SP2 piecemeal, or use Windows XP Home
setup disc slipstreaming SP2 into it, or buy WIN XP SP2 upgarde? My system
is slow booting, starting apps., etc. Have used several spyware programs to
clean it up to no avail.

Ron Martell

jkpip said:
Having a problem deciding which way to format reinstall xp on my P4 XP2
notebook, 3 years old. I have the original image disc from the manufacturer,
but is it better to use it and get SP2 piecemeal, or use Windows XP Home
setup disc slipstreaming SP2 into it, or buy WIN XP SP2 upgarde? My system
is slow booting, starting apps., etc. Have used several spyware programs to
clean it up to no avail.

With a notebook you will undoubtedly require specialized drivers for
the proprietary hardware components it contains.

My suggestion would be to:

1. Get Service Pack 2 on a CD by downloading it from
or by ordering it (free) from

2. Reinstall using the original image disk (that will give you the
proper drivers) and then *immediately* upgrade to Service Pack 2.

Warning: Do not repeat do not connect the computer to the Internet
until after you have completed the installation of Service Pack 2.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."


Thanks Ron. I have SP2 on disc. Please give me step by step instructions
for installing the upgrade.

Ron Martell

jkpip said:
Thanks Ron. I have SP2 on disc. Please give me step by step instructions
for installing the upgrade.

Service Pack 2 install preparation:

If you have the CD from Microsoft then just insert it and it should
autorun. If not then there is an autorun.exe file in the root
directory of the CD that you can launch.

If you downloaded the full service pack from Microsoft and burned it
to a CD then just insert the CD and double-click on the XPSP2.EXE file
in Explorer to run it.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."


I have tried to update my computer. All the updates go trought except for
Could you please tell me why I can not update this particular one?

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