Format of Date

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anthony Webb
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Anthony Webb

I have a field with the control source of =Now().

How can i change the format of the date so it doesn't show
the time and only the Day, Month and Year in the Format of

Thanks Everyone

Set the Format property of the control to Short Date. Also, if you don't
need the time, you may want to change the Control Source to =Date().
Wayne told you how to change the format: set the Format property of the
control to Short Date. If you want to be certain that it will be dd/mm/yyyy,
regardless of what the user's Short Date format is set to through Regional
Settings, set the Format property of the control to dd/mm/yyyy

Be aware, though, that changing the format does not change the value. If
you've got time, just because you format it as only a date does not remove
the time from the value.