Format Numbers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bryan Hughes
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Bryan Hughes


Is it possible to convert numbers to there coresponding text values?

1 = First
2 = Second
3 = Third
4 = Four

You will have to make a function to do what you want to
do. Here isa sample that does what you want to do.

Public Function NumConverter(ByVal sNumber As String) As
Dim sNum As String
Select Case sNumber
Case Is = "0"
sNum = "Zero"
Case Is = "1"
sNum = "One"
Case Is = "2"
sNum = "Two"
Case Is = "3"
sNum = "Thee"
Case Else
sNum = "You did not enter a Number"

End Select
NumConverter = sNum
End Function

Hope this helps,

Thanks for the replies. Marshall, I actually want to use ordinal numbers .
It will be used for a msgbox to users when entering in new clint records and
return back to them the ordinal number after doing a count for the record

I tried using the function Doug gave as an example but it keep giving me
errors. I can rember what I think it was object not defined.

Bryan said:
Thanks for the replies. Marshall, I actually want to use ordinal numbers .
It will be used for a msgbox to users when entering in new clint records and
return back to them the ordinal number after doing a count for the record

Ok here it is, have fun unraveling the word wrapping ;-)

Function TextOrdinal(ByVal lngAmt As Long) As String
Dim astrOrdOnes As Variant, astrOrdTens As Variant, astrOnes
As Variant, astrTens As Variant, astrGroups As Variant
Dim strAmt As String, strResult As String, strGroupAmt As
String, strAnd As String
Dim intCents As Integer, intAmtLen As Integer, intGrp As

If lngAmt < 0 Then TextOrdinal = "NEGATIVE": Exit
astrOrdOnes = Array(Null, "first", "second", "third",
"fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "ninth", _
"tenth", "eleventh", "twelfth",
"thirteenth", "fourteenth", "fifteenth", "sixteenth",
"seventeenth", "eighteenth", "nineteenth")
astrOrdTens = Array(Null, "", "twentieth", "thirtieth",
"fortieth", "fiftieth", "sixtieth", "seventieth",
"eightieth", "nintieth")
astrOnes = Array(Null, "one", "two", "three", "four",
"five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", _
"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen",
"fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen",
astrTens = Array(Null, "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninty")
astrGroups = Array(Null, "thousand", "million",
"billion", "trillion") ' "quadrillion", "quintillion",
"sextillion", "septillion")

strAmt = Format$(lngAmt, " 0") ' Convert to string
without fractional part
intAmtLen = Len(strAmt)

If lngAmt = "0" Then
strResult = "zeroth "
If lngAmt >= 100 Then strAnd = "and "
For intGrp = 0 To UBound(astrGroups)
strGroupAmt = Mid$(strAmt, intAmtLen - 3 *
intGrp - 2, 3)
If strGroupAmt = " " Then Exit For
If Val(strGroupAmt) > 0 Then
If strResult = "" Then ' Thousands,
millions, etc.
strResult = (astrGroups(intGrp) + "th
") & ""
strResult = (astrGroups(intGrp) + " ") &
End If
If Val(Mid$(strGroupAmt, 2)) >= 20 Then
If strResult = "" Then
If Mid$(strGroupAmt, 3, 1) = "0"
strResult = strAnd &
astrOrdTens(Mid$(strGroupAmt, 2, 1))
strResult = strAnd &
((astrTens(Mid$(strGroupAmt, 2, 1)) & ("-" +
astrOrdOnes(Mid$(strGroupAmt, 3, 1)))) + " ")
End If
strResult =
((astrTens(Mid$(strGroupAmt, 2, 1)) &
astrOnes(Mid$(strGroupAmt, 3, 1))) + " ") & strResult
End If
Else ' 0 through 19
If strResult = "" Then
strResult = (strAnd +
astrOrdOnes(Mid$(strGroupAmt, 2, 2)) + " ") & ""
strResult =
(astrOnes(Mid$(strGroupAmt, 2, 2)) + " ") & strResult
End If
End If
If strResult = "" Then ' Hundreds
strResult =
(astrOnes(Val(Left$(strGroupAmt, 1))) + " hundredth ") & ""
strResult =
(astrOnes(Val(Left$(strGroupAmt, 1))) + " hundred ") &
End If
End If
strAnd = ""
Next intGrp
End If

TextOrdinal = strResult
End Function