Format Macro Buttons?



Excel 2000 ... I only record Macros & I create Macro
Buttons using the "Forms" Tool Bar ... I can edit text &
change Font color, but how do I change the "gray" color of
the button itself. I have gone to "Format Control", but I
see no option here to accomplish this ... Unless of course
I am overlooking it which is often the case ... :(

Above said ... How do I format the "color" &/or "shape" of
my Macro Buttons? ... Thanks ... Kha

Jim Rech

You cannot change the color of a Forms toolbar button. You can assign a
macro to an object that you can color, like a Drawing toolbar autoshape or
rectangle, etc., or use a Control Toolbox command button.

Jim Rech
Excel MVP
| Excel 2000 ... I only record Macros & I create Macro
| Buttons using the "Forms" Tool Bar ... I can edit text &
| change Font color, but how do I change the "gray" color of
| the button itself. I have gone to "Format Control", but I
| see no option here to accomplish this ... Unless of course
| I am overlooking it which is often the case ... :(
| Above said ... How do I format the "color" &/or "shape" of
| my Macro Buttons? ... Thanks ... Kha

Dave Peterson

The Forms toolbar background color can't be changed.

You could use the commandbutton from the control toolbox toolbar, though.

Or even better, show the Drawing toolbar and make a shape as complex as you want
and assign the macro to it.

Myrna Larson

You are referring to a button from the Control Toolbox, right? He said he's
using the button from the Forms toolbar.


opps. that part when right over my head.
he would have posted back and i would have caught it then.
but thanks for catching me on that one.

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