Format Hard Drive

Aug 28, 2008
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hit to all inthe forum can anyone tell me how i can format my hardrive on vista i partioned my hardrive i have a c hardrive and a d hardrive my friend says i should buy xp if anyone can help i would be much obliged.
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huttonhi to anybody inthe forum can anyone tell me how i can format my hardrive on vista i partioned my hardrive i have a c hardrive and a d hardrive my friend says i should buy xp if anyone can help i would be much obliged
Hi :wave: and welcome.

Do you need to completely wipe the hard drive that you are using, cause if so you will lose or your data?

If its an empty hard drive that needs formatting then do this

Start - Control Panel - Administrative tools - Computer Management - Storage - Disk Management

You will see a table with Disk0, Disk1 etc, just right click on the drive you need to format and click format.

REMEMBER you will lose any data that is on it, so if its important back it up.