Format Excel - Object required error

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jake F
  • Start date Start date

Jake F

I'm trying to format the cell widths for a query that I export into excel and
I'm getting an "Object required" error. The file saves but the fields are
not autofit like they're supposed to be. I figure either I have the code
typed incorrectly or that the file is not created before the code gets to the
formatting so it gets confused there. Here is my code and any help is
greatly appreciated.

Public Function HROrgChart()
On Error GoTo Err_HROrgChart

Dim strFileName As String
Dim strFileName2 As String

strFileName2 = "H:\HROrgChart\Org_Chart" + Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yyyy") +

strSheetName = "xlApp." + strFileName2 + ".qryPCAOrgChartNew"

DoCmd.OutputTo acSendQuery, "qryPCAOrgChartNew", acFormatXLS, strFileName2

'AutoFit the columns

Forms![frmReportRun]![Last Run] = Date

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_HROrgChart:
End Function
there is a complicated bit of code needed to talk to excel via access and
tell excel to autofit the columns.

Public Sub FormatXLReport(strPath As String, _
strFile As String, _
strMakeActive As String)
'strMakeActive name of worksheet to activate

On Error GoTo SubErr
pstrProc = "FormatXLReport"
pstrSubProc = "FormatXLReport"
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim blnExcelExists As Boolean
Dim objXLApp As Object
Dim objActiveWkb As Object
Dim objXLWkb As Object
Dim objXLws As Object
Dim strWkbName As String
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strRange As String 'used to set the print area

Const xlLandscape = 2
Const xlRight = -4152
Const xlCentre = -4108
Const xlAutomatic = -4105
Const xlContinuous = 1
Const xlCellTypeLastCell = 11

Const pmsg2 = "There is already an open excel file called "

Const pmsg3 = vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "You must choose a different name for
this report or close the excel report already open with the same name"

Const pmsg4 = "Unable to open report in Excel. Before you try again,
open Excel on your computer. "

Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
'Open the spreadsheet for formatiing

If fIsAppRunning("excel", False) Then 'yes it is running
' Get a reference to currently running Excel window
Set objXLApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
blnExcelExists = True
' Excel is not currently running so create a new instance
Set objXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If

'Hide warnings on the spreadsheet
objXLApp.DisplayAlerts = False
'prevent any excel macros from running
objXLApp.Interactive = False
'hide screen changes
objXLApp.ScreenUpdating = False
'Open a workbook
objXLApp.Workbooks.Open (strPath)
'point to the active workbook
Set objXLWkb = objXLApp.Workbooks(strFile)
'Debug.Print "active workbook: " & objXLWkb.Name
'activate the selected workbook
'Debug.Print strMakeActive
'Debug.Print "active sheet: " & ObjXLApp.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
'point to the wanted worksheet
Set objXLws = objXLApp.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
'activate the selected worksheet

'now format the report

With objXLws.Cells

'format the cells
.Font.Name = "Arial"
.Font.FontStyle = "Regular"
.Font.Size = 10
'bold the headings
.Rows("1:1").Font.Bold = True
.WrapText = True
'Put Borders around all cells in the Data Area
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1,
1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1,
1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)).Borders.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
'auto fit columns
'auto fit row height

strRange = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1,
'Debug.Print strRange
End With

'now do page set up

With objXLws.PageSetup
.Orientation = xlLandscape
'If zoom property is False, the FitToPagesWide and FitToPagesTall
'control how the worksheet is scaled
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = False
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.CenterHeader = Me.txtCurrYear & " " & Me.cboResource _
& " Hours " & strMonth & " YTD"
.CenterFooter = "&F"
.CenterFooter = "&F" & " " & "&D"
.RightFooter = "&R Page &P of &N"
.LeftMargin = objXLApp.CentimetersToPoints(0.5)
.RightMargin = objXLApp.CentimetersToPoints(1.5)
.TopMargin = objXLApp.CentimetersToPoints(1#)
.BottomMargin = objXLApp.CentimetersToPoints(1#)
.HeaderMargin = objXLApp.CentimetersToPoints(0.7)
.FooterMargin = objXLApp.CentimetersToPoints(0.7)
.printarea = strRange
'Debug.Print .printarea
End With

'put focus back to first data cell

'Prevent Excel from prompting to save changes

'turn on warnings on the spreadsheet
objXLApp.DisplayAlerts = True
'allow any excel macros from running
objXLApp.Interactive = True
'show screen changes
objXLApp.ScreenUpdating = True

'close the instance of Excel created by code
If Not blnExcelExists Then
End If

If Not objActiveWkb Is Nothing Then
Set objActiveWkb = Nothing
End If
If Not objXLApp Is Nothing Then
Set objXLApp = Nothing
End If
If Not db Is Nothing Then
Set db = Nothing
End If

DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Sub

Select Case Err.Number
Case 3010
MsgBox pmsg2 & strPath & pmsg3, vbInformation, pstrT
Case 70, 430
MsgBox pmsg4, vbInformation, pstrT
Case Else
MsgBox err.Number & " " & err.Description
End Select
Resume SubExit

End Sub

the code below is from the Access Web
paste all of it into a new module and save as modIsRunning
this code is used in the code above to open the report in excel

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'***************** Code Start ***************
'This code was originally written by Dev Ashish.
'It is not to be altered or distributed,
'except as part of an application.
'You are free to use it in any application,
'provided the copyright notice is left unchanged.
'Code Courtesy of
'Dev Ashish
Private Const SW_HIDE = 0
Private Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1
Private Const SW_NORMAL = 1
Private Const SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = 2
Private Const SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = 3
Private Const SW_MAXIMIZE = 3
Private Const SW_SHOW = 5
Private Const SW_MINIMIZE = 6
Private Const SW_SHOWNA = 8
Private Const SW_RESTORE = 9
Private Const SW_SHOWDEFAULT = 10
Private Const SW_MAX = 10

Private Declare Function apiFindWindow Lib "user32" Alias _
"FindWindowA" (ByVal strClass As String, _
ByVal lpWindow As String) As Long

Private Declare Function apiSendMessage Lib "user32" Alias _
"SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal _
wParam As Long, lParam As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function apiSetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" Alias _
"SetForegroundWindow" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function apiShowWindow Lib "user32" Alias _
"ShowWindow" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function apiIsIconic Lib "user32" Alias _
"IsIconic" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long

Function fIsAppRunning(ByVal strAppName As String, _
Optional fActivate As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim lngH As Long
Dim strClassName As String
Dim lngX As Long
Dim lngTmp As Long

Const WM_USER = 1024
On Local Error GoTo fIsAppRunning_Err
fIsAppRunning = False
Select Case LCase$(strAppName)
Case "excel": strClassName = "XLMain"
Case "word": strClassName = "OpusApp"
Case "access": strClassName = "OMain"
Case "powerpoint95": strClassName = "PP7FrameClass"
Case "powerpoint97": strClassName = "PP97FrameClass"
Case "notepad": strClassName = "NOTEPAD"
Case "paintbrush": strClassName = "pbParent"
Case "wordpad": strClassName = "WordPadClass"
Case Else: strClassName = vbNullString
End Select

If strClassName = "" Then
lngH = apiFindWindow(vbNullString, strAppName)
lngH = apiFindWindow(strClassName, vbNullString)
End If
If lngH <> 0 Then
apiSendMessage lngH, WM_USER + 18, 0, 0
lngX = apiIsIconic(lngH)
If lngX <> 0 Then
lngTmp = apiShowWindow(lngH, SW_SHOWNORMAL)
End If
If fActivate Then
lngTmp = apiSetForegroundWindow(lngH)
End If
fIsAppRunning = True
End If
Exit Function
fIsAppRunning = False
Resume fIsAppRunning_Exit
End Function
'******************** Code End ****************

Jeanette Cunningham

Jake F said:
I'm trying to format the cell widths for a query that I export into excel
I'm getting an "Object required" error. The file saves but the fields are
not autofit like they're supposed to be. I figure either I have the code
typed incorrectly or that the file is not created before the code gets to
formatting so it gets confused there. Here is my code and any help is
greatly appreciated.

Public Function HROrgChart()
On Error GoTo Err_HROrgChart

Dim strFileName As String
Dim strFileName2 As String

strFileName2 = "H:\HROrgChart\Org_Chart" + Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yyyy") +

strSheetName = "xlApp." + strFileName2 + ".qryPCAOrgChartNew"

DoCmd.OutputTo acSendQuery, "qryPCAOrgChartNew", acFormatXLS, strFileName2

'AutoFit the columns

Forms![frmReportRun]![Last Run] = Date

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_HROrgChart:
End Function
forgot to say: I included lines of code that do several common format tasks
in excel.
Delete the ones you don't want to use.

Jeanette Cunningham
Jeanette Cunningham said:
there is a complicated bit of code needed to talk to excel via access and
tell excel to autofit the columns.

WOW, that's a lot of stuff and really over my head ^_^

This is slightly shorter, if you just add the Microsoft Excel Object library
under references. I'm told this is late binding, but it works for me.

Sub ExcelFormat()

'Set variables to format the download
Dim strFilePath As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim objXLApp As Object
Dim objXLBook As Object
Dim objXLSheet1 As Object
strFilePath = "S:\"
strFileName = "Test.xls"

'Set the objects to format
Set objXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objXLBook = objXLApp.Workbooks.Open(strFilePath & "\" &
Set objXLSheet1 = objXLBook.Worksheets("sheet1")

'1 = black
'2 = white
'3 = red
'5 = blue
'10 = green
'13 = purple

'Format various worksheets in the workbook

'Bold headers
objXLSheet1.Range("A1:S1").Font.Bold = True

'Autofit columns

objXLSheet1.Range("A1:S1").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

'Hide columns
objXLSheet1.Range("B:D").EntireColumn.Hidden = True

'Change font color
objXLSheet1.Range("B1:B1").Font.ColorIndex = 2

'Change background cell color
objXLSheet1.Range("B1:B1").Interior.ColorIndex = 13

"Freeze Pane
objXLApp.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True

Set objXLSheet1 = Nothing
Set objXLBook = Nothing
Set objXLApp = Nothing

End Sub
Yes, the example with early binding is a bit shorter.
You can get away with using early binding on your own PC, but once you start
distributing to users, sooner or later you will run into problems using
early binding and will need to use late binding to prevent errors that aries
due to problems with references.
It is always much easier to distribute an application if you have only the
basic references required by Access.

Jeanette Cunningham
Thank you both very much. Currently I am the only one who runs this database
so I went with the early binding. I am sure at some point I will have to
come back and redo it to make it multi-user friendly so thank you both for
giving me two options.