format a column from E605EQ1212 to E 605 EQ 1212



Please Help, I've done every thing the online help provided. Like below in
the Custom block

\A 000 \A\A 0000
E 000 "EE" 0000
"E" 000 "EE" 0000

I need it to auto format to look like this E 605 EQ 1212

Thank You for your time.


It's not a number, so format isn't going to change it. You're going to have
to use
1) an additional cell and a formula, or
2) VBA code

route 1) assuming the values always look like your example, and assuming the
entry is in A1

=left(A1,1)&" "&mid(A1,2,3)&" "&mid(A1,5,2)&" "&right(A1,4)

let us know if you want to tackle the VBA side

Ron Rosenfeld

On Wed, 14 Feb 2007 07:38:35 -0800, Scott at Scott <Scott at
Please Help, I've done every thing the online help provided. Like below in
the Custom block

\A 000 \A\A 0000
E 000 "EE" 0000
"E" 000 "EE" 0000

I need it to auto format to look like this E 605 EQ 1212

Thank You for your time.

Format/Cells/Number/Custom Type: "E "000 "EQ "0000

Then, in the cell, enter: 6051212

It will then display: E 605 EQ 1212


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