


I am using Access 2000
I created a Form and Subform from two different tables (1
to many relationship) within the same database. Table #1
is basic customer information; name, address, tele etc.
The main form was created based on this table.

The subform was created from Table #2 which contains
information regarding each call we make to customers such
as was this a prospecting call, quote call, cust serv call

When the form is opened, it will ask for a tele #. When
the telephone number is entered and is already in Table
#1, it brings up all of the relevant information. Then the
information regarding the call can be entered into the
subform. But, when I go to open the form and the
telephone # entered is not in Table #1,it brings up a
blank form which is fine except I now have to re-enter the
telephone number into the blank form. How can I make the
telephone number entered when I go to open the form appear
on a blank form?

Can anyone direct me?


Gerald Stanley

After the DoCmd.OpenForm statement that opens the second
form, put in a line of code alone the lines of

= Me.{yourFirstFormTelephoneControlName}

When putting in your form and control names, take out the
{} as well.

Hope This Helps
Gerald Stanley MCSD


First of all, I want to thank you for answering my
question. Since I am not very good with basic, where do I
find the DoCmd.Openform statement?


Gerald Stanley

Can you post to this thread the code that asks for the
telephone number and then decides what to do.

Gerald Stanley MCSD

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