
  • Thread starter Thread starter Ovi
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Can any one help me with this problem please? How do I
select more than entry in a form field. (example,
ProjectPersonnel: Joe, Bob, John
It sounds to me as if you need to look at the design of
your tables. Given the information provided, I would guess
that you should have one table to hold the details of the
Project and another table to hold the names of the
Personnel working on the project. The first table would
have a unique key (e.g. projectId) which would be a column
on the second table and so provide the 1 to many
relationship between the tables.

With that table structure in place, you would then be able
to desing a main form for the project details which would
have in it a subform in which to enter the names of the
people working on the project.

Hope That Helps
Gerald Stanley MCSD
What type of field is it? Multiple selections are
restricted to listboxes with the multiple select property
set to yes.

Hope This Helps
I am hoping to have a field with multiple selection where
I can shift+click or ctrl+click to pick the names I want
from the list.