Form Zoom for different screen resolutions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ronald Dodge
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Ronald Dodge

Is there a way to resize Access Forms based on screen resolutions?

In Excel, the forms have a Zoom property that is used to resize all objects
on the form, which works out fine for the most part other than that the form
itself has to be resized for the differnet screen resolutions. I was just
wondering if Access had something like that.
Thank you for the reply. I have done some checking into the 2 different
users, one of which I can't see the code and the other I can. I therefore
went with jamie's code and started to test it out. With the early testing,
I found that it is most definitely a step in the right direction, which has
saved me some time. Of course, I'm not done testing yet, but so far, all
looks good. The only other thing to work on is to measure the different
objects such as listboxes in twips so as I can deal with some of the other
issues that I have found in AC02, such as ItemsSelected not working properly
during any of the MouseEvents, when using Extended Multi Select on Listboxes
(haven't tested it out on ComboBoxes, but then combo boxes are usually meant
to have only 1 item selected anyhow). I already have an idea of how to
handle this deal too.

In general, I have found, the more I work in Access, the more objects and
properties I have to have my own code (or some one elses that I'm using with
the proper credit given) control rather than Access, which is exactly what I
had to deal with in Excel too. Does this mean I know how to resolve the
different issues, not necessarily, but experience is a good starting point.
From time to time, I have messed around in Access, but I didn't really start
digging into Access programming until December of 2002, when I needed to
start working out some things in code after the huge amount of time I spent
planning out a DB type system to replace what we currently using for the
operators to report Production data. Granted, this coding would have done a
much better service in something that would work with our main AS/400
system, but given that I'm not in the department that deals with the AS/400
system and I'm not getting much cooperation from them, my bosses has given
me the permission to see about doing what I can to help them out, which in
turn has brought on new challenges for me.

The experiences that I have had already prior to working in Access
programming, I have dealt with setting up data (getting data to 5NF through
the planning that I have done), working in Excel VBA since January 1999,
working in SQL to pull the data since July 1999, and link that data over to
Excel to further process that data and put into reports in the formats that
my internal customers wants it in. Excel had some different issues to the
point that I had to disregard using link formulaes and setup VBA coding in
such a way to control how, what, and when calculations are done.

There's still a lot of things out there for me to learn, such as the various
APIs that's available. Would be nice to have a link to all available APIs
(as reasonably as possible) and if needed, listed by catagory or type of
APIs. As I can see with this newsgroup and what I have seen in the
different examples, I have only dug about mid way down deep of what's in
Access VBA, if that much.

What's been my driving force to learn what all there is?

1) I want to have as accurate as possible reports within reason of course

2) Assuming the process is all accurate and does what it suppose to for
reports, the quality of data makes up the quality of reports. That part has
been lacking within our main DB system.

3) Control of data, the data should be restricted as much as reasonably
can be, thus keep the fudging of numbers to a limit and record as much on
real time as reasonably possible.

4) The reporting of the data should be of 2 requirements, the actual
entry should be as little as needed without duplications, and the process
should be as quick as possible, so as not to create wasted idle time.

5) If the main system should go down, what sort of backup buffer would be
in place, so as production reporting can continue on provided it's not
caused by a power outage (Black Out) or some other reason what would cause
all systems to go down.

6) There is currently no real system in place to be able to monitor what
the operators are doing other than by walking around, but by using Access as
I plan on doing, one in there would be able to see what job and mode the
operators are in and how much has been done, at least in theory as operators
likes to fudge numbers as much as possible, thus another reason why to have
restrictions and other rules in place to limit such actions.

7) What sort of tool is in place for the aid of scheduling, currently,
not a whole lot to speak of. With the combination of my APICS training and
computer experience, I should be able to get this aspect completed over

8) I hate to do anything manually that I know it can be done by computer
systems, so as I will generally program it out, and data entry is one of
them things ever since the time when I worked at the IRS as a Data
Transcriber due to the early signs of CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) when I
worked at the IRS 60 to 70 hours a week doing ALPHA-NUMERIC data entry at a
rate of 7000 keystrokes per hour and only 1 typo error per 4100 keystrokes
during the actual work time of 9.4 hours of the 10.5 hours (include the
unpaid 30 minutes of lunch time within the 10.5 hours) that I was there each
night. With that early sign and the fact that they said, "It's not CTS, , I
left them cause I had to listen to my body given that I couldn't even afford
medical coverage at the time and they didn't give it to you unless you
worked a minimal of 5 full months in that season, but generally fell 1 week
shy of meeting that requirement.

9) Access is the only thing that I can really use for what I want to do
given the financial limitations that I have to deal with and the only tool
that I have to use with maybe using some things from VB.Net 2002 Standard
Edition, though I have just put in an order for the $29 upgrade (prior to
the dead line) to see how the 2003 version works as compared to the 2002.
Hi Ronald,

If you're going to be doing any serious development work
in Access you DEFINITELY need to get the Access
Developer's Handbook! The amount of information you get in
the book(s) easily warrants the cost. The resize code is
just a tiny fraction of code samples included in the book.

I'm not an expert and probably can't help with specific
problems you may encounter, but here are some Access links
you could check out for samples and code.
(A definite must!);EN-
(Watch out for line wrapping on that one)
(A VERY good book to have)

Also, if you're going to be implementing Access User Level
Security, I suggest the following materials:

-Download the Security FAQ here (the Security Bible):

-Download Jack Macdonald's Security Document:

Read Lynn Trapp's Ten Security Steps:

I also found the security chapter in the Access
Developer's Handbook EXTREMELY useful.

That should keep you busy for a while! ;-)

Good luck in your projects,
Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon
Thank you for the links as I will be making use of them. A few of them, I
already have. I have already picked up two (2) books a while back, "Access
2002 VBA Handbook" and "Access 2002 Bible". Most of the stuff in "Access
2002 Bible" has proven to be more or less review for me, but a few of the
areas in it still has proven to be note worthy in it and should help me out
later on as I come to those tasks.

One of the reasons why I got the Access 2002 VBA handbook, it has in detail,
both ADO and DAO programming of which for a while, since we were in AC97 at
the time and there was no time frame of when we were going to move up to
AC2K or higher, so I had to see about programming my stuff in DAO, which
from the perspective of Access Jet Engine, it's the better data object
component, but from the huge amount of data that will eventually be
processed through the program, the code will eventually have to be converted
to ADO programming so it could be taken to SQL Server. However, it's only
been like a month now that we had AC02 on our machines, and added to it, I
still have to keep my program as little of memory as possible cause the
machines on the production floor only have about 400 MB of free space
available (even with only loading the minimal of what they need for Office
XP Pro) on a 3.02GB HD. Currently, I have almost 9000 lines of code in it
with a lot of the code being centralized (or modulized, however you prefer
to look at it), and I'm still primarily working on the base foundation of
the program.

One of the first things I tackled was how it handles data validation. Given
a lot of my users are primarily mouse users with limited knowledge about
computers, I had to setup the forms in such a way, bound forms just don't do
me the service that I require for one reason. That reason is due to how
events works with bound forms as opposed to unbound forms, namely dealing
with what events are triggered on the control before it loses it's focus
when the user clicks on another control on the same form.

In either case, bound or unbound form, all events for the control that has
the focus at the time the user clicks on a control other than the control
with the focus, those events for the control with the focus are fired before
the Enter event is triggered by the control that the user clicks on. This
means, if there's any code setup in any of the events that for validating
purposes, those related fired events on that control will be ran first, and
in few instances, this is an unwanted behavior, so I had to create a work
around to this issue, which meant, I could not use bound forms since
Access's error checking and updating takes place between the BeforeUpdate
and AfterUpdate events. In my unbound forms, the updating only takes place
once all 3 levels of data validation has taken place.

Now, I have those validating issues resolved in regards to how they will be
processed, I'm now working on some general form behavior type stuff as this
zooming is just one aspect of it. Jamie's code does have some issues with
it as I have found them via the early testings that I have done up to this
point of time, and I have already started making adjustments to the code to
resolve those issues, as I have emailed Jamie (as shown in the source code),
what I'm having issues with as Jamie did make some mention to those. In
that same email, I also made some additional comments as to some other
issues that I saw potentially could create problems and what I have had in
mind and already started to code to make adjustments for those issues.

There's some form develop work that I have already done, thus part of the
reason why it has more lines in it than it would have had, was it strictly
for data validation and form behavior. As they say, one got to start at the
base, and if it's going to survive, the base got to have a solid foundation,
thus what I'm doing. However, prior to getting there, one has to spend some
with the planning and plan for the various issues that may come up. This
project started out in June of 2001 when I had to create a temp program in
Excel to do the recording (since I didn't know Access's objects from the
programming side too well at the time and I knew I would have to get into
it, but only had 3 weeks tops to get it built at the time). Once I had that
done, I then had to spend the next few months modifying the links and
processes that went from the data source to the reports. Once all of that
was done, I then started to think in the long term as far as what needs to
be done to get the data into a true DB environment, but prior to me just
jumping into Access's programming language, I had to first do some major
planning out of how the data is to be stored, what we wanted to do with that
data, and what we wanted the computer system to do to aid us in our tasks.
Just in those 3 things, there's a lot of things that I wanted to see
happening that we didn't have happening at that time, and for the most part,
it's still not happening, but I'm working towards that goal.