Thanks for the response. Here's some more data. We refreshed her
profile and it worked - once. The next time she tried to open it, back
to the same old problem. I managed to coax out an error msg: 2501 The
Open Form action was cancelled.
Additional responses interspersed.
Allen said:
That's odd. Replacing the front end was a good idea in case she had a
corrupted form, but that did not solve it.
Are you running Access security? Any possibility this user does not have
permission for something the form refers to?
I wondered about security, but she can open all the other forms in the
same db, and there's no special security set on the "stubborn" form.
Besides she has been using this application for months with no
Does this machine have a problem with references? Press Ctrl+G to open the
immediate window, and choose References from the Tools menu. Anything marked
"MISSING"? More on references:
References were my first idea, but they're OK. Also if I log into her
machine with my profile, I have no problem with the form.
Is there any code in the Open event of this form, or its Load or Current
events? Anything that could block it being shown?
There is code in the Open, Load, and Current - though for the life of
me I can't see how those lines of code could block the form from
opening. I guess I could try commenting it all out.
Does it open directly from the Database window (as distinct from using the
OpenForm action/method)?
Can't open it via code, or from the database window in either form or
design view.
Any Timer events running that could interfere?
Not that I know of.
Any difference in the file versions on this machine compared to the others?
I hadn't thought of that, but figured since she's been using the app
for months with no issues, that the problem was elsewhere.