in message:
Thank you SO MUCH! It worked!!!
Excellent, good to hear.
Since you are an access wizard, could you tell me this...If I build an
Access database, can it easily be interfaced to work via the internet? I
know that is a broad question, but I've got a client that wants a database to
track education and certifications for their employees. They would like
multiple people to have access to the database, which may be able to be done
through a VPN or extranet, but if they want to have a web interface, is that
possible and will it require a complete redo of a database that functions
perfectly on a stand alone basis??
Access does not work very well over WANs and database corruption
can often result. See MVP Albert Kallal's thoughts on the matter here:
I have actually used Access over a VPN before for all of our store
sites to enter their daily numbers. It worked quite well in this particular
instance (I can hear Albert cringing now), but I would not recommend
it for important information and/or heavy data transfer.
I believe you can use ASP for this particular situation. I have not,
however, had cause yet to pursue this area of Access development
so I really cannot advise on the best techniques. There is an Access
NG devoted to using Access with the Internet so you may want to
post a question in that group:
Also, a lot of information has already been posted on this subject so
you may want to do some Google searching on ASP as well.
Good luck,