form without vbscript behind - onchange event

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tulasi
  • Start date Start date



i have a form when opened it has some controls- check boxes, textboxes.
Based on the selection the message is compiled. However, when I open the
script editor I could see no script. This form alos support on chenge event.
For example, on typing the name of the sender in the textbox and on lost
focus, the title of the Window is changed to add the text. How is this
Perhaps the form is part of a larger application that includes a COM add-in to handle the events raised by items created with the form.
Thanks for the reply.
Is there any way that I ccan call a windows application when the for is
Yes, that can be done from a custom form's script with the Wscript.Shell object:

Set Myshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Windows Scripting Host Object
Myshell.Run "C:\yourprogram.exe"
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators
I have to desing a from with some check boxes etc. When the mail is sent the
user should get only plain text but not the form. Is there any way?

Put code in the form's Item_Send event handler to create a new message (Application.CreateItem) and populate its properties from the data in the original custom form message. Then set Item_Send = False to cancel sending the original.