Form with multi tables

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lisa
  • Start date Start date


I have built a form that populates fields into 3 tables,
one is in a subform. When I create a new record by typing
information into the first field belonging to table 1,
then click on the subform to add information for table 3,
then click back to the main form to add data for table 2,
the information I first entered into for table 1 gets
wiped out. However, if I click through the form from the
fields for table 1 to table 2 then table 3 everything
works out fine. Is there someway to prevent this from
I have built a form that populates fields into 3 tables,
one is in a subform. When I create a new record by typing
information into the first field belonging to table 1,
then click on the subform to add information for table 3,
then click back to the main form to add data for table 2,
the information I first entered into for table 1 gets
wiped out. However, if I click through the form from the
fields for table 1 to table 2 then table 3 everything
works out fine. Is there someway to prevent this from

I doubt it's getting "wiped out" - my guess is that you have the
subform set up incorrectly.

What are the RecordSource properties of the mainform, and the subform?
Please post the SQL. And what are the Master Link Field and CHild Link
Field of the subform? And how are the three tables related in the
Relationships window?