Form with combo boxes

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I have a form with combo boxes that allows the user to rank themselves. (No
Skill, Experienced, Expert). I have set up several other forms that allow
the user to select the appropriate rank. However, on one particular form, it
does not allow the user to choose the rank. It's as if the form is read
only. I have compared the form properties of this form to one that works
correctly and do not see any differences. Does anyone have an idea of what I
need to do to have the form work correctly?

Thank you.
Are you trying to allow the user to update the combo box or just wanting
them to be able to select from the drop-down? Usually if they can't select
from the drop down, or make changes to or add entries to the form it is
because you have too many tables joined together in one form. Try creating
a subform if you have more than two major tables joined.

If you want to allow them to add/update data in the combo box then
double-check that the Limit to List property is set to No. I do not
recommend this, unless you want them to be allowed to enter anything in that
record they want (which defeats the purpose of a drop down on many

I'm not sure if this helped at all, but please give more details if not.
