I have created a form called Add Records. It has combo boxes, option groups,
and drop down lists, and text boxes. I have it set up to Enter the data and
clear the fields at the same time. However, after exiting the form, or even
exiting the program, and then re-enter the program all the fields show
information from the last entry that was done. How do I make sure that the
fields stay clear after I have exited the program, or the form itself? Hope
my explination isn't too confusing.
and drop down lists, and text boxes. I have it set up to Enter the data and
clear the fields at the same time. However, after exiting the form, or even
exiting the program, and then re-enter the program all the fields show
information from the last entry that was done. How do I make sure that the
fields stay clear after I have exited the program, or the form itself? Hope
my explination isn't too confusing.