Dee via AccessMonster.com
I am creating an order entry-type database and am having problems bringing
totals from my subform footer (which works fine) into the main form.
I have used the following (which has worked with other forms/subforms -
thanks to Larry), but for some reason the cell is blank with the one I'm
working on (no errors).
Sub Form Name = OrderDetailsSubForm
Text Box Name = CustomerTotal (footer in subform)
Main Form Name = Orders
=IIf(IsError(Forms!Orders!OrderDetailsSubForm.Form! CustomerTotal),0,Forms!
Help Please!!
totals from my subform footer (which works fine) into the main form.
I have used the following (which has worked with other forms/subforms -
thanks to Larry), but for some reason the cell is blank with the one I'm
working on (no errors).
Sub Form Name = OrderDetailsSubForm
Text Box Name = CustomerTotal (footer in subform)
Main Form Name = Orders
=IIf(IsError(Forms!Orders!OrderDetailsSubForm.Form! CustomerTotal),0,Forms!
Help Please!!